Conflict Resolution Procedure

We, at AcadeMir Charter School Preparatory, strive to maintain a
safe and positive learning environment and encourages all students,
staff, and family members to use positive choices for solving
conflict. We use the following steps of communication when there is
a concern.

Step 1: If there is a situation that needs a solution with your child, please
begin by first talking to your child's teacher. You will be able to discuss
possible ways to resolve any concerns. If a solution has not been reached,
you should go the step 2.

Step 2: Parent may schedule an appointment with the school's Assistant
Principal. Please present your concern. If a solution has not been reached
with the teacher and the Assistant Principal, please go to step 3.

Step 3: Please contact the office at (305) 964-7542 to set up a meeting
with the school's Principal. Please present your concern. If an acceptable
solution has not reached, please continue to step 4.

Step 4: Contact the Educational Support Provider, Rolando Mir at (305)
225-0444. This information is posted on school website and in our bulletin
board located in school's lobby. If an acceptable solution has not reached,
please continue to step 5.

Step 5: Parent may reach out to the Governing Board Member, Mr.
Alexander Casas at (305) 225-0444 or has the option of attending a board
meeting that is posted on school website and in our bulletin board located in
school's lobby.